Using a Mutual Fund Comparison Tool


Locating the ideal mutual fund is crucial to reaching your financial goals. Evaluate their past returns and other aspects to select one that meets all your criteria.

Historical Results To evaluate a fund’s track record over one, three, or five-year periods, and evaluate its history for consistency of returns as well as volatility to gauge risk.


An effective mutual fund comparison tool can assist in selecting funds to meet your investment goals. A comprehensive tool should provide detailed information about all aspects of a fund, including historical returns, risk levels, and costs. Furthermore, such an asset management company’s performance should be measured against peers and benchmark indexes; its track record as a manager; expense ratio, which could reduce overall returns significantly.

FundVisualizer’s mutual fund comparison tool makes it easy to screen and compare funds across more than 80 performance and risk metrics, with its user-friendly interface making creating charts, PDF reports, and comparative results quickly and effortlessly possible. You can search funds either by ticker symbol or name – plus support multiple screening parameters!

Thousands of equity mutual funds have various risks depending on their underlying investments, such as small-cap funds having more volatility than their larger peers. The FundVisualizer compares funds on various risk measures such as standard deviation, beta, and Sortino Ratio (a modified Sharpe Ratio). This tool will enable you to understand how one fund compares against its peers regarding risks and returns.

One way of comparing mutual funds is to analyze their track records over various periods, such as one, three, five, and ten years from inception returns. This can give a good indication of a fund’s consistency while at the same time considering factors like risk profile and investment horizon.

When selecting a mutual fund, it’s essential to consider several things when investing. First and foremost is how much money you are investing, which determines how much risk is taken. Next is reviewing funds’ fees and expenses to measure whether their riskiness justifies their price. Finally, look at past performance to ensure it meets your financial goals within your timeline requirements.


Investing in mutual fund schemes requires careful evaluation of returns and risk. Relying solely on one criterion to compare funds may result in unsatisfactory investments; when selecting funds, it’s wiser to use multiple criteria like the consistency of performance, risk, portfolio details, etc., when comparing. Long-term returns should also be prioritized – choose funds that have consistently outshone their benchmark index over at least five years or longer.

The return on Mutual Funds depends on their underlying investments. A debt fund’s holdings differ significantly from equity funds; their returns depend on investor risk-taking abilities. Meanwhile, the risk associated with equity mutual funds depends on the market capitalization of stocks held within them – small-cap equity mutual funds often present more of an elevated risk than large-cap equity mutual funds.

Help make informed decisions easily using the Quickflows tool’s comparison of fund fees and performance. Simply enter up to five specific fund symbols before selecting from mutual funds, CEFs, ETFs, or index funds available through TD Ameritrade that meet your selection criteria – and the Quickflows will display options available via this platform that could potentially meet them!

Returns can also help you compare funds. They are calculated by dividing annualized returns by total costs associated with investing, such as management fees, administrative fees, 12b-1 fees, and redemption fees. All prices will be displayed as a percentage of net assets; click on the “Total Costs” data bar to display this information.

Investment objectives should also be carefully considered when selecting mutual funds since their investment objectives will determine what securities and strategies the fund invests in and their process. By assessing different funds’ investment objectives, you may find one that matches your financial goals and investment horizon well.


Mutual funds are open-end investment companies that provide daily shares based on their net asset value (NAV). Mutual funds pool the money of multiple investors to buy securities across a wide variety of sectors and purchase them as needed, offering investors access to thousands of funds; finding one suitable to meet goals and time horizons depends on using an effective comparison tool, however.

Returns: One of the easiest and most accurate ways to evaluate a mutual fund is by studying its long-term returns, providing insight into its consistency, risk levels, and cost structure. A good comparison tool should also offer information regarding its manager’s track record.

Taxes: Investors should note how much of their return they will lose to taxes when investing. Higher levels of taxation can significantly decrease total returns. A comparison tool will show how mutual fund performance differs with various tax scenarios.

The FINRA Fund Analyzer allows you to compare fees and expenses of hundreds of thousands of mutual funds, ETFs, and Morningstar categories. It gives you the option of viewing both after-tax returns and tax-adjusted or pre-tax returns and available discounts for each fund being examined.

Investment Objective: Investors should carefully consider each fund’s investment objectives before investing. A fund’s investment objective serves as its focus and strategy, such as growth, income, or balanced; various types are available, so investors should choose one that matches their risk tolerance and time horizon.

The MF Compare tool is an outstanding way of comparing mutual funds and ETFs, offering a free, user-friendly comparison of thousands of funds at once – helping you quickly locate funds with the greatest return for your money. Filters allow users to filter by fund name, ticker symbol, prospectus objective, or Morningstar category for easy searching capabilities.


Mutual fund costs can eat into your long-term returns. To prevent this from happening, compare funds based on their fees and expenses. Our free Fund Analyzer tool enables you to quickly compare an annual operating expense ratio against its category average and identify any front-load, back-load redemption, or 12b-1 fees that could impact its total cost of ownership.

When selecting a mutual fund, it’s essential to consider several factors before making your choice. Your budget and time horizon should play a part in choosing an investment vehicle; its historical performance shouldn’t necessarily predict future results either; more accurate data comparison purposes over 3-5 year time spans is recommended.

Apart from comparing a fund’s cost and expense ratios, you can also view its prospectus, Morningstar 3-year Star Rating, minimum purchase amount, potential future costs (front-loading fees, etc), and redemption fees.

The risk profiles of mutual funds depend on their investment strategy; for example, small-cap equity funds tend to carry more significant risks than their large-cap counterparts. Your risk tolerance must match that of each fund you invest in; you can evaluate them using different metrics like standard deviation, Sharpe Ratio, or Sortino ratio to compare its risks more efficiently.

When analyzing a mutual fund, it’s important to compare its return with its benchmark index and analyze its holdings to understand sector exposure and stock concentration – then select one that best matches your investment goals and needs.

Select “Add another fund” and search among thousands of funds and ETFs available on our platform to facilitate more in-depth comparisons. You may also upload your list of investments or use our Fund Analyzer tool to analyze them further – then save, print, or share your results!