Categories: Lifestyle

The Importance of Military Diplomacy in Global Politics

When writing an essay, you must know your purpose. There are three basic types: informing, persuading, and entertaining – each requires its tone and style – for instance if you intend to inform readers, then using objective language is appropriate, whereas persuasion calls for persuasive speech.

The United States imports many goods from Mexico.

Many American businesses rely on Mexico for everything from raw materials such as gold to technical parts such as computer monitor displays. Importing goods from Mexico strengthens America’s economy significantly – according to Goldman Sachs research, 40 cents out of every dollar spent on Mexican goods is returned home compared to only 4 cents for Chinese items purchased here in America.

The United States sends millions of immigrants to Mexico.

As the United States and Mexico work to form more stable economic ties, both nations have taken steps to decrease the flow of migrants seeking asylum. Recently, President Biden announced his administration would deploy additional military personnel at the border as part of this effort; refugee advocates have expressed outrage that more soldiers may make it more difficult for people seeking protection to request protection – according to Bilal Askaryar of #WelcomeWithDignity campaign manager Bilal Askaryar says those seeking asylum should be met by welcoming volunteers, medical and mental health professionals rather than soldiers – “people seeking asylum should be met by welcoming volunteers, medical and mental health professionals not soldiers.”

In the 1930s, Title 42 allowed for mass deportations by INS of migrants from Mexico back into their respective homelands without providing them a chance to contest it in court. Although an estimated 1.2 million Mexicans and their American descendants were repatriated during this period, researchers searching for official repatriation records will likely come up empty-handed; rather than official INS records being kept during Title 42’s reign, immigrants came mainly through state or local government programs with voluntary return programs or threatened deportation as means to return them home en masse from Mexico during its execution of Title 42’s period of expulsions back into Mexican homelands without legal recourse available against future deportations threats or return voluntary return programs established through state/local government or charitable aid agency programs directed voluntary return programs as opposed to official INS repatriations records kept during Title 42’s duration.

Though Title 42 was intended to end in 2020, the Obama and Trump administrations extended it to address ongoing migration pressures. Since then, migration flows from Mexico have reached levels not seen for decades – straining processing capacities, federal infrastructure, border communities, and efforts at devising regional responses that address its roots.

The United States and Mexico have close ties.

Mexico and the United States share a longstanding history of diplomatic, economic, and cultural ties; however, in recent times, political disagreements and misperceptions have caused strain in their relationship.

The United States and Mexico share strong ties in security and defense issues, such as countering transnational organized crime and stopping illegal drug and weapon flows into each other’s countries. Furthermore, both nations cooperate on environmental and natural resource issues, including the health of border residents, conservation of national parks and wildlife areas, meteorology, hydrology, earth sciences, and energy technology. Mexico is an integral partner to both nations as an investor; both import from Mexico and export more products than any other country – this trade benefits both parties equally.

Both nations are members of the North American Development Bank and the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, working together on issues like migration and refugee migration, climate change impacts, and food security.

Though recent tensions between our countries may have created strain, our two countries share deep and lasting bonds. Their future partnership depends on a shared commitment to work on challenges of mutual interest while sharing burdens fairly and respecting sovereignty. A free democratic Mexico that respects human rights will provide the United States with an essential partner for safeguarding critical interests with this strategically vital neighbor; conversely, one that drifts back into authoritarianism or corruption would not advance shared goals effectively.

The United States supports U.S. military efforts overseas

Military personnel have increasingly become vital agents of American diplomacy. Military members recognize that the line between warfighting and peacekeeping missions can often blur, particularly during a great power competition in which soft power tools must supplement hard power assets to preserve global security and prosperity.

Tufts University recently unveiled a data set showing that since 1776 the United States has engaged in 396 military interventions worldwide since 1776, most notably in Latin America but also Africa and East Asia. Military interventions often serve coercive ends while rarely producing desired effects; Kenneth Pollack provides insight into this failure by detailing how leaders influence foreign policy outcomes.

Pollack contends that the US failures to coerce Saddam Hussein during the 1990s were not due to lack of force but leadership complexities and incorrect assumptions about its strategic intentions. These errors were compounded further when US leaders failed to distinguish between political and military dimensions of conflict.

Military interventions often have unintended repercussions. US policies have contributed to an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, with 37 million refugees across the globe as a direct result. Furthermore, instability in Africa and Latin America has enabled terrorist networks and migration flows that pose economic, political, and security threats against the US.

An alternative approach must be implemented to avoid unintended outcomes, including investing in Africa and Latin America through economic investment, creating NATO-style alliances in these regions, employing military personnel to strengthen these partnerships, and employing personnel dedicated to enhancing them. With growing great power competition in global affairs, the United States cannot afford to lose ground in regions critical for its future security.

The United States protects U.S. coastlines with its navy.

Global trade does not depend on constant Navy patrols of sea lanes to secure international commerce; though their presence may deter states from trying to disrupt shipping routes during the war, it would be much cheaper for the Navy if these peacetime presence patrols were eliminated altogether and instead focused on core missions – saving on ships, weapons and personnel costs in turn.

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) is perfectly poised to lead this new construct as it integrates military, law enforcement, compliance inspection, and safety missions under one service umbrella. Furthermore, it possesses extensive knowledge about operating within coastal waters and interfacing with all sorts of national, regional, and international coastal patrol forces across the globe – offering enormous potential to the Coast Guard, which often feels marginalized when major DOD muscle moves are discussed or implemented.

Integration of the USCG into the operational fold of total naval force with DOD counterparts is vital to U.S. maritime security; now is the time to make it a reality.

Coastal states assert sovereignty over waters extending from territorial seas to continental margins; this area is known as their Exclusive Economic Zone or EEZ. Traditionally, most coastal States were unwilling to grant foreign warships entry other than via an “innocent passage,” defined as passage without prejudice to their state’s peace, good order, or security – this meant surfacing and displaying their flag, creating security risks according to major naval Powers.


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