Poppies Are Easy to Grow From Seed and a Pleasure to Watch As They Bloom


Poppies are easy to grow from seed and an absolute delight to watch unfold their rainbow of hues as they blossom into bloom. Unfortunately, however, their family of species contains nearly 800 members divided among 42 genera; some even carry poisonous alkaloids that pose serious threats. Select the dried poppy heads for sale.

After studying alkaloid levels in poppy seeds from salad and bread bun, it became evident that there was considerable variance within one batch and between sources.


The poppy has become the universally-recognized symbol of remembrance worldwide, worn on Armistice Day (11 November) or Anzac Day (2 April). While its origins remain unclear, many believe they were inspired by a poem written by a Canadian medical officer during World War One called “In Flanders Fields,” which describes bloody battlefields across northern France and Belgium where many allied soldiers lost their lives.

Poppies are resilient plants that thrive in harsh and unfriendly landscapes like battlefields. One brigade surgeon for an artillery unit noted this fact during World War I when they observed these bright red blooms amidst the rubble of an abandoned Belgian town that had been bombed.

Opium poppies (Papaver somniferum) produce an alkaloid called morphine that was widely used medicinally before becoming one of the world’s most addictive substances. Today, its synthetic derivatives are widely prescribed as pain relievers and sedatives.

Medicinal Uses

Poppy flowers have long been used as medicinal plants. For example, the alkaloids found in Papaver somniferum (Papaver somniferum or “sleep-inducing poppy”) can help dull pain, reduce spasms and induce sleep; furthermore, it acts as a sedative and expectorant against catarrh and coughs; its seeds provide food items while its oil can be used in paint manufacturing, varnishes, soap making and for cooking purposes.

Fossilized evidence demonstrates that people have long valued poppies for their medicinal benefits, dating back to ancient times. The opium poppy is an annual herb with deep blue to black flowers that produce tiny nonnarcotic seed capsules ripened at harvest. Cultivation is widespread for its milky latex and its narcotic opium; non-narcotic seeds used as bakery ingredients, seasoning, bird feed, or bird seed; as well as its stunning blooms cherished as decorative elements in homes and churches since Gilgamesh himself!


Poppy flowers come in various hues, from white to pink to purple. Their juice is used as a narcotic in products like morphine and other derivatives of opium; additionally, it may reduce coughs, alleviate diarrhea and induce anesthesia.

Native orange California poppies (Eschscholzia californica) are easy to grow and hardy across most USDA zones. Plant them together on neglected slopes, or cover your vegetable garden in vibrant colors!

Flanders Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) bloomed prominently during World War I battlefields and is the symbolic flower for Remembrance Day due to a poem by Lt. Col. John McCrae titled, “In Flanders Field.” A cultivar called Shirley Poppy is frequently grown as an annual landscape plant, coming in orange, yellow, pink, violet, and white colors; another variety called Papaver somniferum, known as Breadseed or Opium Poppy, produces flowers in colors ranging from white through deep plum hues; these varieties have flowers of various shades from white through deep plum with fringed edges.

Growing Conditions

Poppies can quickly be grown from seed in either gardens or containers. The key is planting at the right season and location. A soil test can determine whether fertilizers will need to be added before planting takes place.

Annual poppies should be planted directly into your garden and can form part of a wildflower border. They require full sunlight and soil that drains freely; applying mulch helps retain moisture levels for healthy plants. Weed control must also be strictly enforced as it should not disturb their long tap roots, which support healthy plants.

Cut pods when thoroughly browned to collect seeds efficiently and shake the stems to release their source. Doing this daily will speed up this process and encourage more roots to fall from each cut poppy stem. To extend their lives further, cauterizing (burning) the ends and submerging them in boiling water are helpful strategies for growing their lifespan.

Read also: Poppy Seed As A Symbol Of Remembrance