Memorial Day sales are one of the best times to snag a good deal on appliances, electronics, and outdoor gear. While not as deep or diverse as Black Friday or Cyber Monday, these deals are worth checking out for bargains on big-ticket items that you might otherwise overlook.
If you’re looking for a new mattress, look no further than Casper’s Memorial Day sale. With up to $800 off mattresses, this is a great time to grab a new bed for your home or to give your existing mattress a makeover.
One of the most significant savings events of the year, Memorial Day sales are often full of deals on various home products, including appliances. These discounts are often a mix of instant rebates, bundle offers, and price drops.
Depending on the retailer, some sales may kick off weeks ahead of the holiday weekend. It’s always a good idea to keep an eye out for these early sale offerings so you can score a great deal before the crowds arrive.
For example, Lowe’s was known for offering some of the best Memorial Day appliance deals last year, with savings across minor and major appliances, including fridges on sale up to 40% off. Shop their savings page for more information.
Memorial Day sales are a great time to score deals on electronics, especially if you’re looking for a new laptop, smartwatch, or headphones.
Appliances are another big area to look for sales during the holiday, as many retailers mark down fridges, washers, and ovens at this time of year.
In addition to appliances, many stores also offer Memorial Day sales on furniture and home decor items. This is a perfect time of year to shop for furniture, as many major retailers offer sitewide sales and discounts on everything from sofas to patio furniture sets.
There are tons of memorial day sales taking place right now, including deals on headphones. Whether you’re looking for new earbuds or a pair of over-ear headphones, these deals are worth checking out.
The best deals for Memorial Day come from retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and Target. These stores often offer exclusive offers on top-rated products, but check their website to see when these deals end.
Memorial Day is the first major shopping holiday of the year and is the best time to shop for gadgets and appliances at unbelievable prices. The sales offer discounts on various tech products, from TVs to robot vacuums.
Smartwatches can be a great way to keep track of your fitness goals and notifications without breaking the bank. However, the price of a good smartwatch can vary greatly depending on which features you are looking for.
If you are looking for a simple, budget-friendly option, Fitbit’s Charge 4 is $50 off right now. This tracker provides accurate GPS tracking, multi-day battery life, and standard Fitbit Pay functionality.
Memorial Day sales are often a great time to score a killer deal on new fitness equipment, whether you’re looking for a treadmill, an exercise bike, or other workout gear. Many workout brands release new equipment in the spring, reducing older styles to make room for a fresh influx of merchandise.
At Hope, you can pick up a wide array of resistance bands and home workout kits designed to give you flexibility while boosting your strength. And with every purchase, a portion of the proceeds go toward children battling diseases they shouldn’t have to live with.
Whether you’re preparing for a summer getaway or want to stock up on travel gear, Memorial Day sales are a great way to save. Brands across the industry are offering discounts on suitcases, backpacks, and accessories.
For those looking to update their activewear, Moosejaw Rewards Members (free to join) can take 20% off a full-priced item with promo code BIGPRETZEL; REI also offers up to 30% off sitewide.
Outdoor-minded brands Backcountry, Huckberry, and Kammok are all holding Memorial Day sales on their gear. In addition, they’re offering discounts on apparel and outdoor gear from top brands like Columbia, Osprey, and Cotopaxi, among others.
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