Is a Spanked Wife Sinful?


Spanking can be an effective form of discipline for couples. When done safely and appropriately, spanking can be both satisfying and fulfilling for both partners.

Though it may appear abusive, some women willingly submit to spankings voluntarily. Their submission often has sexual motivations; they enjoy the pain and pleasure associated with spanking and other Body Development and Sexual Modification (BDSM) experiences.

1. Physical Punishment

Women who enjoy spanking and other body-disabling sexual material experiences (BDSM) do not view it as sinful; many use BDSM experiences as a source of sexual pleasure and claim they are following what the Bible commands regarding submission to their husbands; this interpretation of Scripture is misguided as nowhere does Scripture authorize physical punishment of wives by husbands.

Spanking hurts physically, but it’s also demeaning and humiliating; it communicates that she’s treated like a child who needs discipline. Spanking robs women of their autonomy and sanity while traumatizing some. Furthermore, spanking allows husbands to maintain control in the marriage and may reduce any need for boundaries or setting limits with their partner.

When women get spanked, they usually want to know why they are being punished and why this action has occurred. She wants an explanation for why her behavior was unacceptable, followed by a spanking. While this will provide emotional catharsis for mistakes made in the past and prevent further outbursts of anger, it teaches respect for authority over time as she learns not to cross boundaries too frequently in the future. If men were spanking their wives when they act like brats, the divorce rate could drop significantly overnight!

2. Emotional Punishment

As well as physical hurt, spanked wives may also suffer emotional abuse at the hands of their husbands. This occurs when their partner uses physical power and control over them to manipulate her into feeling guilty or ashamed for her actions – the husband might claim she deserved punishment or that scripture requires such behavior from him as justification for discipline.

Research exploring this subject has demonstrated that psychological abuse of women by their husbands is often more severe than physical violence. It can take the form of verbal and emotional abuse as well as isolation or threats of physical harm; all these forms of emotional abuse have the power to destroy a woman’s sense of security in her relationship and identity while leaving her feeling helpless as they may blame themselves for any abuse endured by themselves.

One study employed the HOME-SF survey, which asks mothers about their parenting practices and includes an item about whether the mother hit her child or spanked during a home observation. Researchers then conducted several nested regression models to explore any association between being spanked and adult mental health impairments; when physical and emotional abuse were included in their model, it remained significantly associated with suicide attempts, heavy drinking patterns, and street drug use outcomes.

This research indicates that spanking should be seen as a form of childhood adversity alongside physical and emotional abuse and should be addressed accordingly by policymakers and service providers. Acknowledging it within the ACEs framework may help guide future efforts to enhance mental health outcomes.

3. Control

A spanking-based relationship allows both partners to feel empowered. Although she may not always agree, they both know who holds ultimate authority over them and if she breaks any of his rules, she will face the consequences, giving the wife control of her behavior and keeping their marriage strong.

An effective way to exert this control is to develop and enforce genuine rules for her to abide by. Too many regulations can become confusing; by setting just a few that matter most to her, she’ll feel in charge of her actions and more accountable and in control. Knowing if she breaks one of these rules, she will be punished will only reinforce this sense of accountability and governance.

She also needs to know that you’re there emotionally when disciplining her for something petty, like making sarcastic comments at dinner. A lecture about why she’s being spanked combined with a spank can give her the emotional catharsis she requires and prevent her from becoming defensive or rebellious.

Many women turn to spanking as a form of discipline to gain control in their relationships, often found within domestic discipline couples where one partner acts as leader and disciplinarian for their partner. Although spanking may not be suitable for everyone, it can help keep marriages strong and families intact.

4. Discipline

Many women who support spanking describe it not as abuse but as discipline. According to Merriam-Webster’s definition, the field involves restraint by making someone comply with rules and punishing them when they break them. Domestic discipline advocates contend it’s the only practical way of keeping a wife submissive – something not many other couples can tolerate living with! Furthermore, they claim their husband is God’s leader who knows best how to care for his family, including his wife and children.

Most often, when husbands spank their wives, it’s for clear offenses such as disobedience or breaking household rules, but occasionally for less clear crimes like making an emotional outburst or using inappropriate language. It’s important to wait before administering physical punishment; otherwise, she might feel you’re punishing her because she refuses to listen and give an example for others to follow.

When spanking women, it can be excruciating and may leave bruises or other injuries that could even become permanent – yet those supporting the practice tend to downplay these effects, explaining that bruises are natural consequences of her bad behavior and help train her into submission. Critics believe spanking is abusive and damages and scars women; according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 20 people of either gender experience abuse from an intimate partner every minute.

5. Self-Esteem

Self-esteem refers to how one perceives themselves. People with healthy self-esteem believe they deserve love and respect due to their skills, achievements, and virtues – whereas someone with low self-esteem bases their worth on perceived failures of meeting an internal standard of goodness that they feel should be met to be loved and respected (Allegiance Health).

Domestic discipline can be an effective means of helping a wife attain healthy self-esteem. Being responsible for her actions and learning from them are hallmarks of solid self-esteem and her ability to cope with setbacks or obstacles that may arise in life. Self-esteem also depends on relationships within a woman’s family unit – in one video shared by Truly, husband Laz explains how he and Brandi use spanking and other discipline methods to correct mistakes and strengthen their marriage.

If you suspect a friend or family member is experiencing low self-esteem, encourage them to discuss their emotions openly and honestly. Although it can be hard to voice our experiences aloud, talking can help people recognize and accept that they’re not alone with them. Other strategies for increasing self-esteem may include reflecting on admirable traits, keeping a gratitude journal, or engaging in pleasurable activities.

At its core, healthy self-esteem can only be strengthened through a balanced lifestyle that includes regular physical exercise, a nutritious diet, and adequate sleep. Finding an appropriate balance is essential here – and don’t forget that indulgences are okay as long as they don’t become habits!